Saturday, September 01, 2007

No Lying

1. Last beverage - Red Horse
2. Last phone call - Susan
3. Last CD played - Pauline's 2002 compilation
4. Last time you cried - last Wednesday (good tears)
5. Last text message from - Judith


1. Dated someone twice? Yes
2. Been cheated on? Yes
3. Kissed someone & regretted it? No
4. Lost someone special? Yes
5. Been depressed? Yes
6. Got drunk and threw up? Yes

COLORS - orange, blue, white

1. Made a new friend? Yes, many, today!
2. Laughed until you cried? No
4. Met someone who changed your life? Yes (everyone I met this month, did!!)
5. Found out who your true friend is? I've always known who they are.
6. Is there something you want to tell someone? No, I'll just go right out and tell them.
7. How many kids do you want to have? This month???
8. Do you have any pets? Yes
9. Do you wanna change your name? No
10. What did you do yesterday? Errands, business meeting, ILP coaching
11. Last time You had pizza? July 2007 in the US
12. What time did you wake up today? 11:30 am!
13. What were you doing at 12:00 midnight yesterday? Reading
14. Name something you CANNOT wait for? The rehabilitation of EDSA!
15. Last time you saw your ex? June 2007 hehe
16. What is one thing you wish you could change? I wouldn't change anything.
17. What are you listening to right now? The fan.
18. Have you ever talked to Tom? Selleck?
19. Who's getting on your nerves right now? No one.
20. Most visited webpage? Friendster, Facebook, Philippine Inquirer, EWTN
21. Coke or Pepsi? Coke (Light)
22. Have you seen anyone naked? Yes, shut up.

I Take the Fifth

1.) You can only say Guilty or Innocent.
2.) You are not allowed to explain anything unless someone messages you and asks!

Danced on a table in a bar?
Ever told a lie?
Had feelings for someone whom you can't have?
Kissed a picture?
Slept in until 5 PM?
Fallen asleep at work/school?
Held a snake?
Been suspended from school?
Worked at a fast food restaurant?
Sang karaoke?
Done something you told yourself you wouldn't?
Done something you regret?
Laughed until something you were drinking came out your nose?
Caught a snowflake on your tongue?
Kissed in the rain?
Sat on a roof top?
Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on?
Shaved your head?
Slept naked?
Made your boyfriend/girlfriend cry?
Been in a club?
Shot a gun?
Donated blood?
Eaten alligator meat?
Eaten cheesecake?
Still love someone you "shouldn't"?
Have a tattoo?
Like someone, but will never tell who?
Hang out with people you shouldn't?
Wanted to do something, didn't do it, and regret it?
Been too honest?
Cursed at someone coz he/she's not calling?
Ruined a surprise?
Ate in a restaurant and got really bloated that you can't walk afterwards?
Erased someone in your friends list?
Dressed in a woman's clothes (if your a guy) man's clothes (if your a girl)?
Joined in a search for Mr Pogi pageant (if your a guy) Ms Beautiful pageant
(if you're a girl)?
Got totally drunk one night and you have an important exam tomorrow morning?
A total stranger treat you by paying your jeepney fare?
Get totally angry that you cried so hard?