Tuesday, December 26, 2006


...one of my greatest loves. Real movies, great films, not just your run-of-the-mill silly commercial Hollywood flicks, although I must admit to indulging once in a while in them (the last one being an ala-Godfather flick I was inveigled into on a date, nice move dude...).

Haven't had time to see as many films as I've wanted, but these last couple of days I finally got off my ever-expanding butt and stuck some into the previously-neglected DVD player:

The Seventh Seal. Not to be confused with the Demi Moore-Michael Biehn apocalyptic Seventh Sign; this is the real deal by Ingmar Bergman. The "limitations" of black and white cinematography add real depth to the piece, and I'm not surprised it's become a true movie classic. Existentialism at its curious-est.

Speaking of black-and-white, a redux of one of my favorite Filipino films, Bayaning Third World, which I found serendipitously at a supermarket on original VCD for P100!! Laugh-out-loud, provocative filmmaking; I loved it even more than when I first caught its 1998 (?) premiere in the theatre. Pinoys are most fun when irreverent!! (Kakabakabakaba, Crying Ladies, and the like).

Finally, Soltnse, or The Sun, a highly intimate portrayal of Emperor Hirohito during the tail-end of World War II. Incredibly poignant, with a gamut of intensely metaphoric cinematographic devices. Interesting that it was a Russian-Italian production; evoked many parallelisms with the extremely compelling film The Downfall on the last days of Hitler, although Hirohito was a more sympathetic character who got to live a happier ending.

I love movies! Hope the next movie date won't be as violent though. :-)

Monday, December 18, 2006

No To Ngarag

Ngarag used to be my favorite state of mind; in fact, for the most part, it was self-inflicted - and sometimes, when I don't catch myself, it still is. Christmas time was always the worst...running around all over town for work, parties, shopping, and killing myself in the kitchen.

But this year, like many areas in my life, Christmas doesn't seem to be as ngarag as it used to be. I've only missed one Christmas party so far (tonight's Class 1994-A's dinner - I chose to go grocery shopping and do preliminary cooking for tomorrow's big catering event, and to wrap some gifts for two parties tomorrow (Saturday was a stretch - went to three!!!). And yes, my Christmas shopping is in fact over and done with, and I got people pretty good stuff this year (not any lame-a$$ last minute panic purchases!), if I may say so myself. Wrapped them all up rather nicely as well. *Pat on back*

A big help is that I'm not doing the usual stuff by my lonesome (Darna is in hibernation this season) - driving through the traffic jams is delegated to my loyal giant of a hired driver/bodyguard, Jon, and to my designated driver Ding, er, Lex; I have a lot of help in the kitchen now; and I have partners and friends who help out beautifully in areas I need assistance with. 'Tis the season to be tired still, but at least at the end of the day, I'm happy happy happy. :-)

Monday, December 11, 2006

Monday Madness

From Monday Madness:

1. If you could only read one blog every day- which one blog would be on your daily list?
Mine - haha. Market Manila, I think (nowadays it's the only blog I have time to read anyway).

2. What do you do to de-stress from a hectic day?
Have drinks and conversation with friends.

3. What is your favorite piece of clothing to wear in the winter?
Never really been in the full-blast cold of winter, but a nice suade camel-colored coat from my sister. Yum.

4. Do you prefer discussing problems with a sibling, a parent, a significant other, a psychologist, or a total stranger?
With my best friends.

5. How long have you been blogging?
Since 2004

6. Which side of the bed?
Left :-)

7. How often do you pig out when you eat?
Rarely, and when very very very hungry!

8. Do you watch the space shuttle launches?

9. What's your favorite leisure-time activity?
Sleeping! Heh heh. Conversation.

10. When is the last time you said, 'I love you' and to whom? To my "sis" Kate, a few days ago.

What about hugs? Who is the last person you hugged?
Kuya Joe Dean